1. Why is this book so special?
2. Who should read this book?
3. Won’t this book become outdated very soon?
4. Why does the author have such a small social-footprint?
5. Why did the book have such a drop in price since it’s launch?
6. Is this book more relevant for big enterprises?



1. Why is this book so special?

I love tech books, especially in front-end development! However, technically speaking, most of them are a straightforward transcript of the technologies’ manuals transformed into user-friendly guides. This book, however, is about the role of front-end architecture, compiling decades of expertise (mine and of that of the people I observed during my career). A front-end developer might make around $100k (USD) a year… and yet, I am contacted by dozens of recruiters every week, looking for people with the skills presented in this book, offering $60k to $110k above that base salary! So, even though I can’t make any guarantees that you will reach that kind of salary, I know for a fact that companies all over the world are looking for people with the qualifications that I present in the book. While a tech book might help you keep yourself relevant to your current profession, this book has the potential to lead you into a brand new role, with an extremely generous salary! Finally, this book is (as far as I know) the first and only one that follows this specific approach to the subject.


2. Who should read this book?

Everyone who work directly or indirectly with Web Development: Managers, Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, Full-stack Developers, UI Developers, Front-end Architects, Scrum masters, Recruiters, etc. In a sense it is like Agile: One person might be specialized in it, organizing the efforts, but everybody in the organization needs to have at least a basic understanding of it and do their bit. If that is not the reality in your organization, in this book you will learn how to get people on board and how to promote a successful front-end shop, independently of which position you are in.


3. Won’t this book become outdated very soon?

No. This book does not focus on any particular technology. It is about the role of front-end architecture and a methodology for doing it very well. I wish I had a book like this to guide me back in 2008 – it would’ve been extremely valuable to me then! But it is now 2018, and I am sure it will still be perfectly valuable for many years to come.


4. Why does the author have such a small social-footprint?

Well, initially it was because of something called the “imposter syndrome“. After I became aware of that and started accepting positive feedback from coworkers, I got stuck on the fact that English was a new thing for me. I never had formal training in it, so when I moved to the USA I had to start practically from scratch. I always thought that by having poor English, both in posts and on GitHub, it would make my contributions receive less attention and value (or maybe even detrimental to me). So, since I did not have any pressing reason to become more “social”, I just went through the motions and focused on my family and my job. Now that I decided to publish a book, I realized it would’ve been valuable to be more involved in social media and online communities despite my perceived limitations.


5. Why did the book have such a drop in price since it’s launch?

Since the inception, I set out to write a book that would be valuable for college-level courses in web development. However, in order to make the book economically accessible to ALL, inside and out of academia, I decided to have an extreme drop in price.  I truly believe this book is revolutionary and want everyone who wants to read it, to be able to!


6. Is this book more relevant for big enterprises?

Yes and no. This book was written from the perspective of big enterprises, so people working in big non-tech organizations might find it easier to relate to its examples and analogies. However, the methodology and ideas presented in the book will benefit companies of all sizes, including startups.